Puke Pink Zine Issue no. 1

$10.00 / Sold Out

Volume 2, Issue 1

Very excited to share this first issue with you. Some of you might remember when I attempted to not do business online and strictly sold everything through a zine/catalog and cash in the mail. Well, that didn't work so it ended after three issues. I got the urge to make a zine again, this time minus the catalog, hence the "Volume 2"

It includes:
An in depth album review by Maggie Siebert
A round up of favorite samples by Thomas Boettner
A reflection on Crank Sturgeon after witnessing him perform recently by Scott Kindberg
A short story by Alex Osman
An article on avant-garde fashion by Richard Ramirez
A lengthy interview with Gen Ken Montgomery by Max Julian Eastman
And an obsessive film transcription by Sean Ramirez.
Wrapped in gorgeous cover art by Anjilla Ulfhednar

44 pages, professionally printed in glorious black and white.